duminică, 30 decembrie 2012

Is it important to have a survival gear list ?

Here is an interesting question: Is it important to have a survival gear list when thinking about emergency survival ? Anything in life, if done methodically can have a bigger success. It’s the same with the survival tools. Having a well done survival gear listsurvival gear list will ensure you have everything you need inside your pack during a disaster. Spend as much time as you need to think of the items that will fit best in your survival gear and put them on the list. You shouldn’t get more in your survival pack than what you can actually carry. But at the same time, be prepaired !

So what would a good survival gear list contain ? Your list should be designed to protect you form the disasters that are most likely to strike close to you, or the ones that could damage you and your family in any way. So when near a volcano, prepaire for a volcanic eruption first. Other than that, the survival gear list should contain the following essentials, before anything else:

  • Food and water supplies that have a long shelf life and will be enough to keep all of your family members fed for three days or more;
  • A first aid kit, containing bandages, pills for all kinds of pain, disinfectant and anything else that could ensure your health during a disaster;
  • Tools to make a shelter, defend yourself, hunt if needed and cook your food;
  • Lighting and fire starting items, to signal your position in case help is coming, keep warm and so on;
  • Clean clothing and shoes;
  • personal items (clean is healthy);
  • Entertainment items, to make the time pass faster.

When doing your survival gear list, make it in the checklist style and always mark the items that you already got. Also, talk to a specialist when making your gear list. Make a list with his help, compaire the lists and see what items are missing from any of the lists.

Always update your checklist with new items that you think will fit best in your survival gear pack. Browse the internet and any other media for information about the best survival kit. Periodically check your survival pack to see if the food and water is still ok to consume. Don’t forget to taste the food and water that you are planing to keep in your survival gear kit and make sure you and your loved ones like the taste.

Don’t stack a lot of tools that do the same thing, always look for devices that perform a lot of tasks, are light and easy to use. Stack yourself with batteries and any other items that are perishable. Go throught the survival gear checklist at least two times, to check that you’ve bought everything you’ll need and don’t forget to show your loved ones how every tool in the kit works, where is its place in the pack and so on.

And as a final advice, the survival gear list can wait. Even though you need to know that your loved ones will be safe in case of a disaster, don’t neglect the present, to think about the future and try spending time with your family first, and then prepaire for a disaster that could never happen.

Is it important to have a survival gear list ?

sâmbătă, 29 decembrie 2012

This weeks topic - Camping Essentials

So you’re planning a camping trip but you want to keep it safe ? Well here’s an article from which you might learn a thing or tow. We`ll talk about the camping essentials that you must take in the camping trip.

There are some things you need to think of, before going into the nature. You should think of where you want to go camping, for how many days and in what conditions. Check out the weather forecast for the daycamping essentialss in which you’ll be on the camping trip, a few days before the trip and a few days after it. Why check the forecast for the days before and after the camping trip ? The weather before the trip will tell you how the nature will look like when you arive at the camping spot. The ground could be wet, after a rain, after a cold weather the frozen ground could give you the flu, and so forth.

Check the weather forecast for the days after the camping trip because you never know what will happen during the trip. Some situations might require you to stay a couple of days more before you can leave, or worse, you could have to wait some days before help arrives to save you. Always think of the worse and plan accordingly, but hope for the best. Your camping essentials should be planned according to the weather you’re going to face. So if cold weather is said to come, get some extra clothes, some blankets, tools to make a warm drink and so on.

When thinking of the camping essentials, always start with food, first aid kits and shelter tools. These are in fact the things that will keep you alive when needed.

When thinking about food, get something that will last for the whole camping period and another two to three. Some long shelf life cans and some raw food that can be cooked with the tools you’ll bring would do just fine. Another important aspect is to bring with you food that doesn`t emanate a lot of smell. You don`t want all the nearby animals to come for diner.  Another important aspect is to bring with you food that you and your loved ones like to eat. Try the food before you go on a camping trip, don’t just trust the label that shows a happy family eating it.

In your camping essentials a first aid kit is a must. Getting wounded when in nature, away from medical assistance, can be fatal. You should have some type of disinfectant, bandages, pills for different types of pains and of course medication for the family members that are on treatment.

The shelter tools should be within your camping essentials also. You learned how to make a fire with sticks, well that’s just fine, but you should get a lighter too. Get a professional knife also. Not only for deffensive purposes but also to help you make shelter and repair tools, prepaire your food and so on.

Make a list and stick to it. Plan each step and get every tool that you think you’ll need from the beginning to the end of the trip. And most importantly, don’t think only of camping essentials. Get some entertainment items, like playing cards. Think of all the other trips you went in and see what you should have taken. At the end of the trip you`ll see that it’s better to have taken too much luggage than have a camping essential missing.

vineri, 21 decembrie 2012

Don't neglect the survival training

When prepairing for disaster survival, while prepairing your survival kits, don’t forget about the survival training. This will help you in day by day activities as well, it’s a nice way to stay in shape and always be prepaired and can someday change your life.

But what does survival training refer to ? It usually consists of three main parts:

  • The first part is all about knowing your equipment, knowing how to use each one of your tools, when to use it, what to pack when evacuation is imminent and what to pull out of your backpack when a given obstable stands in your way. You should train at opening cans, starting a fire, bandaging a wound, pulling your pocket weapon for defense, making a shelter and so forth. Doing these actions fast and with ease will save you precious time in a disaster scenario.

  • The second part of the survival training is prepairing for a scenario in which you don’t have survival gear at your disposal. Learn to survive in nature, use the terain, find tools to make a fire, hunt, make a shelter and so on. A disaster isn’t always announced, so you can’t be 100% sure you will get to your survival kit in time. It’s vital for you to train for outdoors survival.

  • The third part of the training consists of the physical training. Persons with good body muscles can defend better, carry shelter items to the camp, hunt better and so forth. Also the agility is very important. There are scenarios in which running will be the only solution, so train your legs too. When training your body also train your mind. Learn how not to lose focus. Be prepaired to automotivate yourself. There might be no one there to do it for you.

Try to talk your family into training for survival with you. Don’t think that you will always protect your family. Think that there is a possibility for the family to split up. Don`t deny their chance of survival and teach your loved ones everything they need to know to survive.

A good example of what survival training can do for you is Bear Grylls. Everything that he does was practiced on and on, and I bet that you would like to be next to him when a disaster occurs.

Don’t be overconfident and try training on a daily basis if it is possible. Do some periodic drills and if you want a fun way to check your training, take your family in camping trips. Take everything you need with you but try to use as few items as possible from your survival gear.

Also don’t forget to try the long shelter life food from your pack. You really don`t want to find yourself in disaster scenario where the food in disgusting. Don’t forget: You don’t get a bonus for the lack of comfort.

Keep training for your survival, and do it in a fun way. Make nature your friend and you will be one step closer to surviving a disaster.